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the cooperation with Nigeria partners

         On October 14th, the president of Arsnova Limited, Mr. Olatuja, and other workmates visited our company. The president of COCEG, Mr. Chen Shengwei gave them warm welcome and held a negotiation between two parties in the meeting room. The two parties, Arsnova Limited and COCEG, mainly discussed the cooperation in Nigeria projects and exchange their suggestions about this during the meeting time. After negotiation, Arsnova and COCEG signed a cooperation agreement, and group picture to commemorate.


  Mr. Chen Shengwei,the president of COCEG and Mr.Abayomi,the CEO of ARSNOVA LIMITED are signing the cooperation agreement

  Mr.Chen Shengwei( the fourth from left) 、Mr. Olatuja( the fifth from right)

Time:2009/10/22  Number of visits:2381 

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